Piggy's Delight

Vegan🌱My Childhood Potato Salad

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Vegan🌱My Childhood Potato Salad】

Vegan Potato Salad

Vegan Potato Salad by piggyinkitchen

I've been falling love in my mom's potato salad since I was little!!! Whenever she cooks potato salad, it makes me so happy! I really don't know why I get excited that much with this, but I just love it!
My mom's original recipe is made of regular mayo as a main ingredients to enhance flavor, whereas this recipe is 100% vegan and gluten free! But it tates like my mom's home cooking and feels very nostalgic :) So I wanted to share my childhood favorite side dish with you guys!

Instructions are pretty simple and I use simple ingredients for specifically this potato salad. No herbs, unlike the other one that I make. In case you missed my old post, click the link below for more details! 

The most important ingredient, Vegan Mayo, is homemade from soaked cashew nut and some garlic. For the recipe, please visit the link above "Vegan Herb Potato Salad"

Homemade Vegan Mayo

Homemade Vegan Mayo by piggyinkitchen

All you need is soaked cashews, garlic, ginger, Himalayan pink salt, black pepper, nutritional yeast and lemon juice. Put all the ingredients into a blender and process until smooth. That's all about it :)

For the orange peel topping, I caramelized shredded orange peels with raw sugar in a small pot. Then cool it down on a parchament paper or a silicon tray.

Orange Peels

Orange Peels by piggyinkitchen

Vegan Hijiki tofu Hamburger Steak

Vegan Hijiki Tofu Hamburger Steak by piggyinkitchen

This potato salad goes well with anything you want to add on!
The one in the picture is vegan hijiki tofu hamburger steak, one of my favorite recipes, and it is absolutely delicious!

Here is the recipe card for today :)
I hope you like my recreation that originally came from my mom☺

Vegan Potato Salad
INGREDIENTS (5 Servings)
4 potatoes, peeled, chopped
2 teaspoons Himalayan pink salt

1 cup broccoli heads and stems, diced
1 pinch Himalayan pink salt

1/2 onion, minced
4 tablespoons vegan cashew mayo (recipe link below)
1 tablespoon Himalayan pink salt
Black pepper

  1. Boil potatoes unitl soft.
  2. In a large bowl, smash boiled potatoes with 2 pinches of Himalayan pink salt.
  3. Put in fridge until cooled down.
  4. Boil broccoli with 1 pinch of Himalayan pink salt until soft, then drain water and let it cool.
  5. When potatoes are cooled down, toss broccoli, mayo, minced onion, Himalayan pink salt and black pepper.
  6. Mix together.
  7. Adjust taste to your liking.
  8. Top with sliced cucumber and caramerlized orange peels if desired.

◎Soak your potatoes in a large bowl in advance, for at least 2 hours to reduce bitteness and/or unpleasant flavors.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment or directly contact me anytime! I'm happy to help you out and hear your thoughts!

Thank you,
